Rules and Regulations Review Committee Meeting


Date:  March 29, 2004


Item:  III.A. – Develop Recommendation on Modifications to Proposed Ordinance No. 112, Elimination of Ex Parte Communication Rules




Summary:  At second reading on February 19, 2004, Ordinance No. 112, Rescinding Rules Requiring Disclosure of Ex Parte Communications and Repealing Penalties and Remedies for Non-Disclosure, was referred to the Rules & Regulations Committee for review.  The draft of Ordinance No 112 is attached as Exhibit III.A.1.  The ordinance that it would replace, Ordinance No. 99, Requiring Disclosure of Ex Parte Communications and Establishing Penalties and Remedies for Non-Disclosure, is attached as Exhibit III.A.2.  


Recommendation:   The Committee should review the draft of Ordinance No. 112, recommend modifications, and refer it back to the Board for a new first reading at the April 19, 2004 Board meeting.


Background:  Ordinance No. 99, Requiring Disclosure of Ex Parte Communications and Establishing Penalties and Remedies for Non-Disclosure, was adopted on November 19, 2001.  On January 29, 2004 the first reading of Ordinance No. 112, Rescinding Rules Requiring Disclosure of Ex Parte Communications and Repealing Penalties and Remedies for Non-Disclosure, was approved.  Following public comment at second reading on February 19, 2004, Chair Edwards referred the item to the Rules and Regulations Committee for review. 


